Friday, July 30, 2010

Dubai & Turkey Here I Come...

i believe all of us feel exciting when we hear the word "holiday".
as for myself, i feel the same thing as the most of people felt.
In less than 2 months i will be going off to Dubai and turkey for 11 days with my parents and my aunt's family.
Today is the confirmation date that we are going to Dubai and Turkey on lebaran's holiday for sure. I'm very excited welcoming this holiday as I have not been there before and I can have an opportunity to have holiday with my parents and spend my quality time with them as I do not know how many times I can go together with them before I build my own family. so I think, this would be a rare opportunity for us. Although at first, i felt disappointed because my boyfriend will not be able to join us in this trip as he's on recovery period for his knee's surgery. However, i should think positively. he should get some rest and enough physiotherapy training for his knee so that he can recovers 100% and start his activity normally as though he hadn't get injured before.
I believe, with God permission, we can go there together next time. Not only Dubai and Turkey but also other countries that we dreamed on. so just wait and pray for our turn, darling :D

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