Yes, I can call myself that I am a Bagholics. as I really really addicted to bag, especially those branded bags. I like several brands such as Louis Vuitton (although some of people refuse to buy the original version of LV because they think that most of Asian people who wear LV bags is absolutely wearing the fake one, but in fact there are many Asian people wearing the genuine LV bags :p), Gucci, Chanel,Chloe, Miu Miu, and Hermes (out of budget *sigh*). In terms of my current situation, I think i need to put aside the temptation of buying branded bags this year, as I need to save money for the preparation of my marriage next year. Fortunately, I'm doing small business of my hobby which is selling genuine branded bags, so i can still keep updating the newest model of my favorite brand, and can pretend to have it (for awhile) before the bags are bought and sent to the real owner T_T.
These are my current wish-list of the bags that I crave for (wish to have them someday):D
Chloe Paraty (the design is the mixture of casual style and elegant at the same time)
Miu Miu Coffer (love it, i think this is Miu Miu best design for bag)
LV Brea Vernis MM (sophisticated design)
Chanel Maxi caviar GHW (my dream bag)
Chanel GST (so classy but at the same time casual, besides the price is still affordable)
Fendi Spybag (timeless design, i still love it until now, although my mom has it and i like to borrow from her previously, but still i hope that i can have it someday)
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